Marcegaglia Palini & Bertoli contracted Danieli Service to improve plate mill production in San Giorgio di Nogaro, Italy.
Danieli Service provided accurate restoration of mill housing geometrical tolerances, recondition existing backup and work roll chocks and supplied new DanLiners® wear plates.

Restoring the mill housing geometrical tolerances were achieved by specialized on-site machining, while the BUR and WR chocks reconditioning (dimensional and geometrical tolerances) were carried out at Danieli workshops.
Through the utilization of new DanLiners® wear plates and the installation of an automatic grease system, the performance life of the equipment has been extended and maintenance activities reduced.
The engineering solution developed by the Danieli technical team enabled Marcegaglia plate mill to make future technological improvements, avoiding any further machining operations, additional shutdown and mobilization costs.
The project was completed in a period of 12 days, during the December shutdown.

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