The titanium industry has seen major consolidation recently.  According to recent Airbus and Boeing market outlooks, advanced designs call for significant amounts of titanium in aerostructure and engines.

The titanium industry will meet in Birmingham UK to discuss recent trends towards vertical integration and to discuss how the consolidation will have a positive impact on the industry as a whole.

It's not too late to register for TITANIUM EUROPE 2015, which will be held at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole the 11th-13th of May.

TITANIUM EUROPE 2015 will provide a platform to gain insights into the European titanium industry and will serve as a premier networking venue for business executives.  Presenters provide outlooks on world supply and demand, illuminate developments on the ever-lengthening global supply chain, clarify near-term business trends driving the key commercial aerospace sector, report on the dynamics of the titanium industry in developing new industrial markets and development of innovative products, and will share insights on the potential for 3-D titanium additive manufacturing as a novel, game-changing technology.

The Birmingham UK venue for TITANIUM EUROPE 2015 will draw industry professionals & consumers of titanium to discuss the dynamics of this ever changing industry.

A limited number of guest rooms remain available at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole.

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